Friday, April 10, 2015

Keeping Relationships For a Lifetime

Good relationships are not only the key to running and sustaining a good real estate business, or any other business for that matter, but as I get a little older and look back on my life I see relationships are what I live for.  I was talking to a colleague yesterday about how twisted my life has been as I now look back. 

In my 20's and 30's life was racing by and I was enjoying every minute of it.  Sometimes so much I missed the point of the experience.  I traveled to some amazing places around the country and the world.  I've skied some extreme runs, cliffs and tree lines from Maine to California meeting interesting people from all over the globe riding up the chair.  I wouldn't trade those memories for anything, not even my 7 shoulder surgeries, replaces ACL and brand new left hip.  All good reminders of my extreme lifestyle, but I now realize through all the excitement I lost some people in my life that I am now finally reconnecting with. 

Some family and some friends, but all I now recognize were people I may have overlooked in the midst of all the chaos and "life" I was living.  I have truly connected with my nephew who is an amazing individual that has grown into a strong young man.  I look forward to many years of building a stronger bond and us enjoying each other's family and stories.  I have also reconnected with my best friend from high school who I lost touch with for no really good reason other than possibly selfishness.  Cheers Umi!

I have finally met my soul mate in Stacie and we have 2 amazing girls and she has helped me raise my son as if he was her own.  These are the things that help me sleep at peace at night.  Despite all the challenges and hurdles that everyday throws in front of me, my relationships and the people I love are what gives me peace.  I have been blessed to have found truly caring and loving people who have taught me strength and composure.  Some I miss and think about every day as they have passed on.  Brian, Victor and help me keep on moving onward and upward! 

If I were ever smug enough to offer advice to the young people, it would truly be what we have all heard many times over.  Appreciate what you have and the people in your life.  ClichĂ© but so very true.  The sooner we learn this simple rule of life the more time we have to utilize it's power.  I digress.  Back to work!

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