Saturday, February 28, 2015

Helping Fight The Battle For A Good Friend And Family

Some of you out there may have had to take your little one(s) to the ER for cuts, bumps and dings over the years and felt that great sense of fear and concern for them, wishing you could trade places and take the pain and angst all away for them.  Few moms and dads I know have had to deal with losing a child before they see them graduate, get married, or have children of their own.   Earlier this week I mentioned I am sponsoring a fundraiser for one of my greatest inspirations I have had the privilege of knowing, Nathan Harney.  His mom and dad Kathryn and Aaron have been friend with Stac and I for several years. Unfortunately they had to let their amazing son move on to a more peaceful place just a year ago at the ripe age of 4 years old.  The phone call from Aaron giving me that sad news will be one I will never forget.

Kathryn and Aaron are two of the strongest and motivating people I have been blessed to have in my life...they get it from their little man Nathan, and as difficult as it has to be have never stopped fighting to end the Tay-Sachs disease that took Nathan way too soon. 

In true Harney style, their Irish fight has kept fighting and they are continuing to push for a cure even after their personal battle for Nathan's life and struggle has ended.  Nathan is still with them and us pushing not to waiver in getting the message out and to help find the cure for Tay-Sachs. With your help we can help Nathan's legacy and mission live on.  This March is your opportunity to show support for this amazing family and for the cause.  They are so close and expect to have FDA approval for human testing of drugs that could hold the key to finishing the work Nathan started.  Fundraiser will be held March 29, 2015 at The Square Bar in West Chester from noon - 4:30PM.  If you like hot wings enter the Triple Crown Hot Wing Contest for a chance to win $200 for first place and great runner up prizes.  If not enjoy all the beer, wine and roast beef you can handle! 

Tickets are $30.  Click this link at to register.  Just scroll down to Wingin' It For Nathan and purchase your tickets by donating $30/ ticket.  Read about Nathan's legacy at . 

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