Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Service VS. Sales - What do you want in your Realtor?

Well of course all our sellers want their house sold for the best terms and all our buyers want the best deal.   That takes hard work and great negotiation skills form your realtor.  Although these skills must be in the arsenal of any top agent in the marketplace, but what makes an agent one you want to refer your friends, family members and co-workers to? 

I recently ran into an individual who reinforced to me the values that keep your clients coming back for more.  with over 30 years of residential real estate experience in the Andy Chapis real Estate Team, we have to constantly gauge where we are and what we are doing.  Are we doing what we say we do?  After wrapping up in my business last night I thought it was a good time to work on the business and re-evaluate my business and how I run it. 

I wanted to share the qualities I feel set me apart from others in the industry.  These are based on goals I have set for myself years ago as well as feedback I have received from my loyal clients.

  • I am your trusted professional:  Many real estate agents coming out of the gates are trained to call everyone and anyone, mail to them, email them letting them know that from the time they got their license last week, they are a trusted professional in the industry.  Think of a personal relationship.  How long did it take your best friend to become your best friend?  In a world of savvy marketing techniques, please be careful.  Good relationships take time, we all know this. 
  • I'll get back to you:  One of the biggest let downs for the consumer is poor follow up.  As soon as many agents hear " well we are not ready to move for a year" the agent is out the door and down the street.  Just so you know I will be in business next year to , the powers willing, and I will want to do business with you then too.  This consumer comment is actually an invitation to show them you are truly here for them.  Imagine the value if you built a relationship over that year based on trust, good consulting and genuine interest in their lives.  One of my favorite calls to make to a future client months before they are ready to do business is asking " How are you and the family doing?"  Caring about people and not commissions seems to work better for me.  Just saying.
  • Do what you say:  " I can help you get prepared to be a better buyer or seller."  There are many consumers that would love to buy a home but don't have the proper direction to get themselves prepared.  The financing guidelines have drastically changed and it is the professional's responsibility to make the public aware of these changes.  This takes time and one thing many agents will tell you is " I am swamped" or "I don't have time to do this extra stuff"."  I'm still unclear on what the extra stuff is.  You're either their professional real estate consultant or your not. 
Our team love this business because we love helping people and being advisors to help our clients gain the edge in what is a very competitive business world.  Whether you call out team or not, hold your realtor accountable to be a true advocate and professional to you.  We are not here to open doors and drive you around, but rather be you resource into the real estate world.  This is what we do.  Yes it takes more time and energy, but how hard do you work all week?  Shouldn't you expect the people that work for you to put the same energy into what they do? 

We hope you reach out to us to see how we do put our money where our mouth is.  We are looking forward to the opportunity to show you what to should expect of a true practitioner.    Whether you are considering selling or buying we are taking on new clients daily.  Find out why first hand!