Friday, January 30, 2015

Getting Ready To Sell?


Getting Ready To Sell?

Like all things in life preparation is a key to success.  We have been hearing all good news about the real estate market.  Activity is up and interest rates are down to near record lows.  FHA has loosened their terms allowing buyers to afford even more.  Now is the time to act, but not in haste.  Read over these helpful tips to get you and your home ready for the market then call Team Chapis to set the plan and implement. Keep in mind looking with the "buyer's eye" may be humbling but will give you the upper hand in marketing and negotiations. By taking steps ahead of time you may able to make a great impression and cut their marketing time in half. 


First impressions make a big difference! Make sure the outside of your home looks just as clean as the inside. Start by removing any debris from around your home.  Any simple roof or window repairs should be done before buyers tour your home.  Don't be fooled into thinking you can just credit a couple thousand dollars to make the deal work.  Making repairs ahead of time will most likely cost less than what the home inspector suggests.  Clean your windows and touch up paint for a crisp clean look. Pay close attention to the entrance.  A clean uncluttered porch and a freshly painted door is quite inviting. Trim trees and maintain the lawn, walkways, drives, garden bed areas and fences to set the tone for an outstanding first impression. 


Neutralize! A buyer may walk into your neon orange kitchen and want to find the nearest exit. Make each room more appealing by keeping it neutral. Think tans, whites and grey's when considering freshening up the paint, it may seem boring to you, but the buyer will see less hassle and more house. Depersonalize each room.  You may have many great memories of all the wonderful life events that happened in your home, but keep in mind the new owner will create their own.  You want prospective buyers to picture the memories they will create. Too many pictures can make others feel like they are intruding in your personal space and this can make a potential buyer uncomfortable.  Again, deal with your maintenance items before opening up your home to the public.  Everything costs more when your negotiating an offer! If you are not in the position then price accordingly and be prepared to make price adjustments to compensate for that broken window and peeling paint.  Clean, clean, clean. Buyers favor the good smelling home that seems to have been taken care of, over the cluttered, dusty home that will require them to get scrubbing on their hands and knee's. Simple organizing and de-cluttering rooms can make the room far more appealing and feel more spacious.
Neutralize, Depersonalize, Organize!


You cannot get the first impression back.  Set your home apart from the competition by hiring a professional stager if this is too much for you to wrap around.  Selling your home is an emotional process and the more mechanical you can be will certainly payoff at the closing table.  Team Chapis can recommend trusted contractors, stagers and other services to help you save money and beat the competition.  We are always here to help.  Just reach out and we will be there for you.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Happy New Year!

Hope your holidays were filled with joy!  I had a wonderful mental rest and a few great days of welcome family time with Stacie and the kids.  My hope for you as well is that you are entering the New Year refreshed and ready for a fantastic 2015.  Team Chapis is growing at a great pace and we are excited to have our first two Home Buyer Seminars of the year coming up in just week or so.  It is hard to believe how fast 2014 came and went, but the plans are in place for the new year and it is time for implementation!

We are so excited with the New Year's arrival, but happy looking back on the previous with great memories of all the quality time I was able to spend with my clients.  Many of you joined us at the many events that Team Chapis held for our clients as well as business mixers. I was also so fortunate to be able to break bread with so many of you personally which I see my business to be all about, making long life relationships.  I look forward to enjoying even more time with all of you this year. 

2015 will be introducing great programs for future as well as former clients alike.  We are excited to be involved in fundraising events throughout the year, client events, parties, mixers and much, much more. Erin and I will be out and about to assist with all of your referrals, needs and other assistance you might need. As Team Chapis grows we will also be looking for more back office support so please keep your eyes open for us.  We are hosting eight Home Buyer Seminars between January and May and several more are in the works. If you or anyone you know are thinking about making a home purchase this year, these seminars are a perfect place to start the process.  Please feel free to contact either Erin or myself or check out our Facebook page for upcoming seminar dates at

A year past with so much accomplishment and yet so much on the horizon.  Life is good regardless of the hardships we all endure daily.  I am thankful to be surrounded by such wonderful and caring people.  You have all helped make my business what it is today and my family and I cannot thank you enough from the bottom of our hearts.  Happy New Year and please never hesitate to call on us for anything, real estate related or not.  We are always here to assist!