Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Organized and Staged Sells A Home

Having shown hundreds of homes a year I can certainly appreciate organization.  I have seen some of the biggest messes and some of the most pristine homes in the County.  I can absolutely say with confidence and organized and staged home will sell faster, not to mention keep the homeowner's sanity.  Having a teenager and two younger children there are days when it looks like a bomb dropped in the middle of my home, but when a seller opens up their abode to the public it is first impressions that can make or break the deal.  If you're thinking about getting your home on the market or just need help getting order inside those walls, reach out to Custom Care Organizing.  Owner Stacie Berglin is an expert at getting everything in order and restoring your sanity while making sure when that first buyer walks in the door the first impression is a good one.  Learn more about Stacie and her business below and contact her for a consultation:
When did you decide to start your own business, and why?
2012- I am a wildly ambitious, highly experienced, talented, West Chester, PA Mother of three and wife who lives to create attractive, organized areas that serve their intended purpose. I'm inspired by the uniqueness of individual tastes, decor, habits, collections and ways of thinking and have a genuine talent for capturing their talents and putting them to work.
I have been an organizer since I was very young. Unlike my friends who were always anxious to bombard every room with an array of toys, I was just as anxious to put them all away in a straight line on the shelf!  This is the reason I did not have many play dates!  I never lost that passion; I found the best way to apply it is as a professional organizer and helping and teaching others how to be organized and successful as a result.
A blend of creative vision, style, and bold organization skills are words my clients often used to describe my work.
What has been your biggest hurdle in starting your business?  
Fear of Failure.

What is the most exciting part of your job, or what has been your favorite project so far? 

I love working to get others organized, feeling better about their environment and themselves.  I really have enjoyed all of the projects that I have completed, it makes the client feel very accomplished as well as myself.

What would you like people to know about you and your business? 

This business is absolutely my passion.  I love working with individuals and seeing the look of accomplishment on their face when the tasks have been achieved.

What are some of your business goals?

 My goal is to be the designer for all your needs. Accomplishing the task and educating a client on how to maintain clutter and keep organized means a lot to me. Having you recommend me to your family and friends means just as much. I am here to produce the designs that represent your organization and ideas.


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