Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving



Time For Turkey

I can't believe Thanksgiving is here already.  And it looks like a little bit of snow may slow down the Turkey Day commute, so if you are traveling this week please take extra time and wait to have your favorite  libation until the driving is done. 
Erin and I just finished delivering pies to some of our wonderful clients scattered throughout the County.  Perfect day to be on the road and visit for a minute or two.  I am truly lucky to have such loyal and caring clients as part of my business family.  It is a pleasure to wake up everyday looking forward to getting out the door ready to serve you all.  I am also extremely thankful to have a few days together with my family to relax, party and make some new memories. 
Again, please be safe this holiday season and don't forget to stop and think about all the amazing people and things in your life that you are thankful for.  Slow down....enjoy the moment....before you know it you'll back in front of your clients, co-workers and bosses.  Time to hit the market...need more butter.     Happy Thanksgiving!

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