Monday, November 3, 2014

Time To Bundle Up!

As temperatures drop this week we are switching out the short sleeve shirts for hoodies in the closet and getting out the flannel sheets.  I am currently looking for my black ski cap as I was reminded this morning again how cold it is without hair on my head.  We all probably have or should have a list of things to do around the house as the season changes.

 We found this helpful checklist that may not cover everything but it will hopefully remind you of something else you need to do.  Like shut off the water to your outside spigots.  I will do that tonight before it's too late.  I am also having a large tree pruned before the winter freeze takes down another power line.

As always if you need anyone to help you winterize your home this fall, just ask us to make an introduction to one of our valued professionals and Erin and I will set it up. 

Enjoy the leaves!

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