Monday, March 30, 2015

Helping a family in need.

Good morning,
I received devastating news over the weekend from a friend. Her family's home in Westtown Township, burnt down Saturday. The entire home was destroyed, along with almost everything in it, including two of their pets. There is a donation set up to help the family through this difficult time, I have included the link below. Any efforts to help this family get back on their feet are tremendously appreciated.
Thank you,

Friday, March 27, 2015

When is too much too much?

I had an interesting conversation with a client today.  They were speaking to a friend, not in the business, who thought posting too many pictures of a seller's home actually deters people from touring the home in person.  The thinking is if we realtors post less pictures it would build interest through curiosity, hence increasing the number of showings. 

This concept has never been brought up to me before in my 29 years of practice.  In fact I have had many buyer clients elect not to tour a home because there were few or no pictures posted on the MLS.  I remember the days when the MLS allowed around 12 pictures and realtors petitioned local boards to increase the number of photos allowed.  Now we have the ability to post 25 pictures which can really show all rooms and accentuate the special features and amenities of our listings. 

I personally hire a professional photographer to take these pictures because I am not a good photographer and I have seen the obvious difference between the pros and pictures taken on an agent's phone.  Even wide angle lenses can make a small cramped room seem more spacious and in turn net a higher number of showings, which in turn increases the opportunity for a sale. 

Okay real estate professionals, what is your opinion?  

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Sunday March 29th Tay-Sachs Fundraiser at The Square Bar West Chester

Well I can't believe it is already here.  Three months of preparation and getting the word out on the street and we are here!  This Sunday at THE SQUARE BAR in WEST CHESTER located at 250 East Chestnut Street, we will be partying and celebrating the life of my good friend Nathan Harney.  Nathan was a spokesperson nationally for the Tays-Sachs Foundation until his untimely death last here.  In fact yester was his 5th birthday so this event comes at an emotional but meaningful time for mom and dad, Kathryn and Aaron.

There is still time to get tickets but they are going fast online.  We expect to sell out at the door so please get there early.  You can purchase online at, scroll down to Wingin' It  For Nathan and donate $30 per ticket.  We will hold your ticket at the door.  This is a beef and beer and wine event as well as a hot wing contest for the bold with plenty of prizes and giveaways!  Read above Nathan's legacy at .  Hope to see everyone there!


Saturday, March 7, 2015

Will The Real YOU Please Stand Up...

Many of you reading this may not remember the TV show "What's My Line" from the 60's, but this post reminded me of that funny who's who celebrity show...

I just read a great post this morning on LinkedIn about how to be a more memorable real estate agent and how to best connect with potential buyers and sellers.  There was advise on being connective, professional, in touch by the use of a good CRM.  But what really stuck with me was the simplest point made...BE YOURSELF! 

After 29 years in the business I have grown and changed as an individual and as a practitioner, I can say if there is one factor that has been most consistent and has made my business family closer to me is always being honest about who I am.  At times I wanted to adjust my persona to be more like agent finding success with other styles.  Real estate being one of the most competitive businesses out there it is easy to try one of the new systems or marketing gimmicks thrown your way.  Even easier is watching someone try to become someone they are not.  Many business coaches and real estate  trainers preach how to close the deal and sell the prospect on you, but very few focus on the good old fashioned hand shake and a straight look in the eye. 

I have been blessed with the people this business has brought my way.  My closest friends have come from this business, but not because  I am the top closer in my office, or the most aggressive ( persistent as some would call ), but because they were attracted to the person I am .  This is not the quick way to get to the settlement table, but the truest and most secure way.  My business has legs and runs deep into the family's and individual's lives I have been blessed to intertwine with.  Knowing them and they knowing me. 

I wouldn't trade any of the relationships I have built over the last 30 years for any amount of money or fame.  In fact at times my friends would call me infamous rather than famous.  Haha.  Oh yea and through recession and down markets I have tried to stay calm, focused on what's important and always kept my sense of humor.  Life is way too short to take yourself so seriously.  So no matter what you do for a living remember to always try to wake up in the morning and make a difference.  It's not hard to look around and see someone that could use a little encouragement to get through a difficult moment.  Enjoy your life, your family and your day!