Friday, March 27, 2015

When is too much too much?

I had an interesting conversation with a client today.  They were speaking to a friend, not in the business, who thought posting too many pictures of a seller's home actually deters people from touring the home in person.  The thinking is if we realtors post less pictures it would build interest through curiosity, hence increasing the number of showings. 

This concept has never been brought up to me before in my 29 years of practice.  In fact I have had many buyer clients elect not to tour a home because there were few or no pictures posted on the MLS.  I remember the days when the MLS allowed around 12 pictures and realtors petitioned local boards to increase the number of photos allowed.  Now we have the ability to post 25 pictures which can really show all rooms and accentuate the special features and amenities of our listings. 

I personally hire a professional photographer to take these pictures because I am not a good photographer and I have seen the obvious difference between the pros and pictures taken on an agent's phone.  Even wide angle lenses can make a small cramped room seem more spacious and in turn net a higher number of showings, which in turn increases the opportunity for a sale. 

Okay real estate professionals, what is your opinion?  

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