Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Selling your home soon? This is a must read...

Please pass this one along.  In case you missed it on my LinkedIn and FB pages, I wanted to post here as well.  It was written by RE/MAX Realtor Bill Gassett who covers the Metrowest Massachusetts area and beyond.  Written for the consumer and loaded with helpful insight into how to get the most out of your real estate practitioner when selling your home and what to do if you don't...  Thanks Bill.

Check out this and all our archived posts for more information on the market and The Andy Chapis Real Estate Team.  Connect with me on LinkedIn and LIKE Andy Chapis Realtor on FB.


Monday, August 17, 2015

Back To School!

Boy how time flies.  Sam is now a sophomore at Henderson and Madi is in 1st grade.  Unbelievable how the time has gone by.  If you have school age kids you know what I mean.  This is the time of the year that reminds us not only are the kids getting older but so are we.  This summer seemed particularly fast so I guess that means it was fun and the summer market softened slightly but relatively speaking things were moving better than the last several years. 

Now is the time all parents are preparing for the kids to head off to the bus stop.  New notebooks, lunch boxes, back pack and cloths to name a few.  The next 10 days is a test in patience and focus.  Back to school shopping can be a bit like shopping for food the night before the snow storm, so if your last minute strap on your helmet and a smile.  You'll need it. 

So I am here to suggest some rewards for the parents to help you decompress and stay on track as the holidays near.  Here are some different ideas on how to keep your sanity and have some fun too!

Whatever you do...do it.  Take some time for yourself and you partner to appreciate a little peace and quiet.  A little break now and again will keep you motivated and fresh.  Having even the smallest thing to look forward to can make all the difference of brushing it off and losing it.  Our kids need us sane so take care of yourself parents! 

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Service VS. Sales - What do you want in your Realtor?

Well of course all our sellers want their house sold for the best terms and all our buyers want the best deal.   That takes hard work and great negotiation skills form your realtor.  Although these skills must be in the arsenal of any top agent in the marketplace, but what makes an agent one you want to refer your friends, family members and co-workers to? 

I recently ran into an individual who reinforced to me the values that keep your clients coming back for more.  with over 30 years of residential real estate experience in the Andy Chapis real Estate Team, we have to constantly gauge where we are and what we are doing.  Are we doing what we say we do?  After wrapping up in my business last night I thought it was a good time to work on the business and re-evaluate my business and how I run it. 

I wanted to share the qualities I feel set me apart from others in the industry.  These are based on goals I have set for myself years ago as well as feedback I have received from my loyal clients.

  • I am your trusted professional:  Many real estate agents coming out of the gates are trained to call everyone and anyone, mail to them, email them letting them know that from the time they got their license last week, they are a trusted professional in the industry.  Think of a personal relationship.  How long did it take your best friend to become your best friend?  In a world of savvy marketing techniques, please be careful.  Good relationships take time, we all know this. 
  • I'll get back to you:  One of the biggest let downs for the consumer is poor follow up.  As soon as many agents hear " well we are not ready to move for a year" the agent is out the door and down the street.  Just so you know I will be in business next year to , the powers willing, and I will want to do business with you then too.  This consumer comment is actually an invitation to show them you are truly here for them.  Imagine the value if you built a relationship over that year based on trust, good consulting and genuine interest in their lives.  One of my favorite calls to make to a future client months before they are ready to do business is asking " How are you and the family doing?"  Caring about people and not commissions seems to work better for me.  Just saying.
  • Do what you say:  " I can help you get prepared to be a better buyer or seller."  There are many consumers that would love to buy a home but don't have the proper direction to get themselves prepared.  The financing guidelines have drastically changed and it is the professional's responsibility to make the public aware of these changes.  This takes time and one thing many agents will tell you is " I am swamped" or "I don't have time to do this extra stuff"."  I'm still unclear on what the extra stuff is.  You're either their professional real estate consultant or your not. 
Our team love this business because we love helping people and being advisors to help our clients gain the edge in what is a very competitive business world.  Whether you call out team or not, hold your realtor accountable to be a true advocate and professional to you.  We are not here to open doors and drive you around, but rather be you resource into the real estate world.  This is what we do.  Yes it takes more time and energy, but how hard do you work all week?  Shouldn't you expect the people that work for you to put the same energy into what they do? 

We hope you reach out to us to see how we do put our money where our mouth is.  We are looking forward to the opportunity to show you what to should expect of a true practitioner.    Whether you are considering selling or buying we are taking on new clients daily.  Find out why first hand!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Organized and Staged Sells A Home

Having shown hundreds of homes a year I can certainly appreciate organization.  I have seen some of the biggest messes and some of the most pristine homes in the County.  I can absolutely say with confidence and organized and staged home will sell faster, not to mention keep the homeowner's sanity.  Having a teenager and two younger children there are days when it looks like a bomb dropped in the middle of my home, but when a seller opens up their abode to the public it is first impressions that can make or break the deal.  If you're thinking about getting your home on the market or just need help getting order inside those walls, reach out to Custom Care Organizing.  Owner Stacie Berglin is an expert at getting everything in order and restoring your sanity while making sure when that first buyer walks in the door the first impression is a good one.  Learn more about Stacie and her business below and contact her for a consultation:
When did you decide to start your own business, and why?
2012- I am a wildly ambitious, highly experienced, talented, West Chester, PA Mother of three and wife who lives to create attractive, organized areas that serve their intended purpose. I'm inspired by the uniqueness of individual tastes, decor, habits, collections and ways of thinking and have a genuine talent for capturing their talents and putting them to work.
I have been an organizer since I was very young. Unlike my friends who were always anxious to bombard every room with an array of toys, I was just as anxious to put them all away in a straight line on the shelf!  This is the reason I did not have many play dates!  I never lost that passion; I found the best way to apply it is as a professional organizer and helping and teaching others how to be organized and successful as a result.
A blend of creative vision, style, and bold organization skills are words my clients often used to describe my work.
What has been your biggest hurdle in starting your business?  
Fear of Failure.

What is the most exciting part of your job, or what has been your favorite project so far? 

I love working to get others organized, feeling better about their environment and themselves.  I really have enjoyed all of the projects that I have completed, it makes the client feel very accomplished as well as myself.

What would you like people to know about you and your business? 

This business is absolutely my passion.  I love working with individuals and seeing the look of accomplishment on their face when the tasks have been achieved.

What are some of your business goals?

 My goal is to be the designer for all your needs. Accomplishing the task and educating a client on how to maintain clutter and keep organized means a lot to me. Having you recommend me to your family and friends means just as much. I am here to produce the designs that represent your organization and ideas.


Wednesday, April 29, 2015

What's In Your Realtor?

Well of course all our sellers want their house sold for the best terms and all our buyers want the best deal.   That takes hard work and great negotiation skills form your realtor.  Although these skills must be in the arsenal of any top agent in the marketplace, but what makes an agent one you want to refer your friends, family members and co-workers to? 

I recently ran into an individual who reinforced to me the values that keep your clients coming back for more.  with over 30 years of residential real estate experience in the Andy Chapis real Estate Team, we have to constantly gauge where we are and what we are doing.  Are we doing what we say we do?  After wrapping up in my business last night I thought it was a good time to work on the business and re-evaluate my business and how I run it. 

I wanted to share the qualities I feel set me apart from others in the industry.  These are based on goals I have set for myself years ago as well as feedback I have received from my loyal clients.

  • I am your trusted professional:  Many real estate agents coming out of the gates are trained to call everyone and anyone, mail to them, email them letting them know that from the time they got their license last week, they are a trusted professional in the industry.  Think of a personal relationship.  How long did it take your best friend to become your best friend?  In a world of savvy marketing techniques, please be careful.  Good relationships take time, we all know this. 
  • I'll get back to you:  One of the biggest let downs for the consumer is poor follow up.  As soon as many agents hear "well we are not ready to move for a year" the agent is out the door and down the street.  Just so you know I will be in business next year to , the powers willing, and I will want to do business with you then too.  This consumer comment is actually an invitation to show them you are truly here for them.  Imagine the value if you built a relationship over that year based on trust, good consulting and genuine interest in their lives.  One of my favorite calls to make to a future client months before they are ready to do business is asking " How are you and the family doing?"  Caring about people and not commissions seems to work better for me.  Just saying.
  • Do what you say:  " I can help you get prepared to be a better buyer or seller."  There are many consumers that would love to buy a home but don't have the proper direction to get themselves prepared.  The financing guidelines have drastically changed and it is the professional's responsibility to make the public aware of these changes.  This takes time and one thing many agents will tell you is " I am swamped" or "I don't have time to do this extra stuff"."  I'm still unclear on what the extra stuff is.  You're either their professional real estate consultant or you're not. 
Our team love this business because we love helping people and being advisors to help our clients gain the edge in what is a very competitive business world.  Whether you call out team or not, hold your realtor accountable to be a true advocate and professional to you.  We are not here to open doors and drive you around, but rather be you resource into the real estate world.  This is what we do.  Yes it takes more time and energy, but how hard do you work all week?  Shouldn't you expect the people that work for you to put the same energy into what they do? 

We hope you reach out to us to see how we do put our money where our mouth is.  We are looking forward to the opportunity to show you what to should expect of a true practitioner.    Whether you are considering selling or buying we are taking on new clients daily.  Find out why first hand!

Friday, April 10, 2015

Keeping Relationships For a Lifetime

Good relationships are not only the key to running and sustaining a good real estate business, or any other business for that matter, but as I get a little older and look back on my life I see relationships are what I live for.  I was talking to a colleague yesterday about how twisted my life has been as I now look back. 

In my 20's and 30's life was racing by and I was enjoying every minute of it.  Sometimes so much I missed the point of the experience.  I traveled to some amazing places around the country and the world.  I've skied some extreme runs, cliffs and tree lines from Maine to California meeting interesting people from all over the globe riding up the chair.  I wouldn't trade those memories for anything, not even my 7 shoulder surgeries, replaces ACL and brand new left hip.  All good reminders of my extreme lifestyle, but I now realize through all the excitement I lost some people in my life that I am now finally reconnecting with. 

Some family and some friends, but all I now recognize were people I may have overlooked in the midst of all the chaos and "life" I was living.  I have truly connected with my nephew who is an amazing individual that has grown into a strong young man.  I look forward to many years of building a stronger bond and us enjoying each other's family and stories.  I have also reconnected with my best friend from high school who I lost touch with for no really good reason other than possibly selfishness.  Cheers Umi!

I have finally met my soul mate in Stacie and we have 2 amazing girls and she has helped me raise my son as if he was her own.  These are the things that help me sleep at peace at night.  Despite all the challenges and hurdles that everyday throws in front of me, my relationships and the people I love are what gives me peace.  I have been blessed to have found truly caring and loving people who have taught me strength and composure.  Some I miss and think about every day as they have passed on.  Brian, Victor and Nathan...you help me keep on moving onward and upward! 

If I were ever smug enough to offer advice to the young people, it would truly be what we have all heard many times over.  Appreciate what you have and the people in your life.  Cliché but so very true.  The sooner we learn this simple rule of life the more time we have to utilize it's power.  I digress.  Back to work!

Monday, March 30, 2015

Helping a family in need.

Good morning,
I received devastating news over the weekend from a friend. Her family's home in Westtown Township, burnt down Saturday. The entire home was destroyed, along with almost everything in it, including two of their pets. There is a donation set up to help the family through this difficult time, I have included the link below. Any efforts to help this family get back on their feet are tremendously appreciated.
Thank you,

Friday, March 27, 2015

When is too much too much?

I had an interesting conversation with a client today.  They were speaking to a friend, not in the business, who thought posting too many pictures of a seller's home actually deters people from touring the home in person.  The thinking is if we realtors post less pictures it would build interest through curiosity, hence increasing the number of showings. 

This concept has never been brought up to me before in my 29 years of practice.  In fact I have had many buyer clients elect not to tour a home because there were few or no pictures posted on the MLS.  I remember the days when the MLS allowed around 12 pictures and realtors petitioned local boards to increase the number of photos allowed.  Now we have the ability to post 25 pictures which can really show all rooms and accentuate the special features and amenities of our listings. 

I personally hire a professional photographer to take these pictures because I am not a good photographer and I have seen the obvious difference between the pros and pictures taken on an agent's phone.  Even wide angle lenses can make a small cramped room seem more spacious and in turn net a higher number of showings, which in turn increases the opportunity for a sale. 

Okay real estate professionals, what is your opinion?  

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Sunday March 29th Tay-Sachs Fundraiser at The Square Bar West Chester

Well I can't believe it is already here.  Three months of preparation and getting the word out on the street and we are here!  This Sunday at THE SQUARE BAR in WEST CHESTER located at 250 East Chestnut Street, we will be partying and celebrating the life of my good friend Nathan Harney.  Nathan was a spokesperson nationally for the Tays-Sachs Foundation until his untimely death last here.  In fact yester was his 5th birthday so this event comes at an emotional but meaningful time for mom and dad, Kathryn and Aaron.

There is still time to get tickets but they are going fast online.  We expect to sell out at the door so please get there early.  You can purchase online at www.curetay-sachs.org, scroll down to Wingin' It  For Nathan and donate $30 per ticket.  We will hold your ticket at the door.  This is a beef and beer and wine event as well as a hot wing contest for the bold with plenty of prizes and giveaways!  Read above Nathan's legacy at http://www.nathanharney.com/ .  Hope to see everyone there!


Saturday, March 7, 2015

Will The Real YOU Please Stand Up...

Many of you reading this may not remember the TV show "What's My Line" from the 60's, but this post reminded me of that funny who's who celebrity show...

I just read a great post this morning on LinkedIn about how to be a more memorable real estate agent and how to best connect with potential buyers and sellers.  There was advise on being connective, professional, in touch by the use of a good CRM.  But what really stuck with me was the simplest point made...BE YOURSELF! 

After 29 years in the business I have grown and changed as an individual and as a practitioner, I can say if there is one factor that has been most consistent and has made my business family closer to me is always being honest about who I am.  At times I wanted to adjust my persona to be more like agent finding success with other styles.  Real estate being one of the most competitive businesses out there it is easy to try one of the new systems or marketing gimmicks thrown your way.  Even easier is watching someone try to become someone they are not.  Many business coaches and real estate  trainers preach how to close the deal and sell the prospect on you, but very few focus on the good old fashioned hand shake and a straight look in the eye. 

I have been blessed with the people this business has brought my way.  My closest friends have come from this business, but not because  I am the top closer in my office, or the most aggressive ( persistent as some would call it...lol ), but because they were attracted to the person I am .  This is not the quick way to get to the settlement table, but the truest and most secure way.  My business has legs and runs deep into the family's and individual's lives I have been blessed to intertwine with.  Knowing them and they knowing me. 

I wouldn't trade any of the relationships I have built over the last 30 years for any amount of money or fame.  In fact at times my friends would call me infamous rather than famous.  Haha.  Oh yea and through recession and down markets I have tried to stay calm, focused on what's important and always kept my sense of humor.  Life is way too short to take yourself so seriously.  So no matter what you do for a living remember to always try to wake up in the morning and make a difference.  It's not hard to look around and see someone that could use a little encouragement to get through a difficult moment.  Enjoy your life, your family and your day!

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Helping Fight The Battle For A Good Friend And Family

Some of you out there may have had to take your little one(s) to the ER for cuts, bumps and dings over the years and felt that great sense of fear and concern for them, wishing you could trade places and take the pain and angst all away for them.  Few moms and dads I know have had to deal with losing a child before they see them graduate, get married, or have children of their own.   Earlier this week I mentioned I am sponsoring a fundraiser for one of my greatest inspirations I have had the privilege of knowing, Nathan Harney.  His mom and dad Kathryn and Aaron have been friend with Stac and I for several years. Unfortunately they had to let their amazing son move on to a more peaceful place just a year ago at the ripe age of 4 years old.  The phone call from Aaron giving me that sad news will be one I will never forget.

Kathryn and Aaron are two of the strongest and motivating people I have been blessed to have in my life...they get it from their little man Nathan, and as difficult as it has to be have never stopped fighting to end the Tay-Sachs disease that took Nathan way too soon. 

In true Harney style, their Irish fight has kept fighting and they are continuing to push for a cure even after their personal battle for Nathan's life and struggle has ended.  Nathan is still with them and us pushing not to waiver in getting the message out and to help find the cure for Tay-Sachs. With your help we can help Nathan's legacy and mission live on.  This March is your opportunity to show support for this amazing family and for the cause.  They are so close and expect to have FDA approval for human testing of drugs that could hold the key to finishing the work Nathan started.  Fundraiser will be held March 29, 2015 at The Square Bar in West Chester from noon - 4:30PM.  If you like hot wings enter the Triple Crown Hot Wing Contest for a chance to win $200 for first place and great runner up prizes.  If not enjoy all the beer, wine and roast beef you can handle! 

Tickets are $30.  Click this link at http://www.curetay-sachs.org/ to register.  Just scroll down to Wingin' It For Nathan and purchase your tickets by donating $30/ ticket.  Read about Nathan's legacy at  http://019221f.netsolhost.com/nathanharney.shtml . 

Sunday, February 22, 2015

What a week!

Time is flying as we enter the last week of February.  With record colds this past week and the snow last night it definitely feels like we are in the heart of winter.  The other tell tale sign in our house is everyone is either sick or getting sick or fighting getting sick.  A mad cycle.  Despite the weather and all it brings, I attended a couple great networking events and met some interesting new people this week. 

Thursday evening I met Carrie and Donald Winn of That Girl Social out of Havertown,  PA.  Some of you may remember the sitcom "That Girl"... Both very engaged in the social media world, we had a great discussion and I got their take on how to effectively and appropriately use social media personally and professionally.  We also talked family like all parents can't help doing when away from their children, and gave me a lot of insight on who they are and not just what they do.  From there it was off to catch a friend of mine singing in his barber shop quartet. 

Earlier in the week I had another opportunity to share my home buyer seminar information with a group of great networkers thanks to  group organizer Brandon Dietrich.  Brandon hosts a MeetUp.com Casual Business Card Exchange Group.  Check it out.  Meanwhile Erin and I are gearing up for her to be licensed in just a few weeks now, and she will be hitting the ground running with new clients.  By the way, if you know anyone who would like to interview for a back office position with our Team, please ask them to reach out and send over a resume.  2015 is going to bring transition and more growth again.  I will always focus on balance in life, but we are jumping out of our shoes with excitement at Team Chapis to continue with the plan.  We are having lots of fun while growing the business.

Later this week I will tell you about a fundraiser we are sponsoring in memory and respect for a close friend, Nathan Harney, and how we are asking for help to fight to find the cure for Tay-Sachs Disease.  As always, if you know anyone who you think needs the advice of a real estate professional, we are never too busy for any of your referrals.  Stay busy and stay warm!

Friday, January 30, 2015

Getting Ready To Sell?


Getting Ready To Sell?

Like all things in life preparation is a key to success.  We have been hearing all good news about the real estate market.  Activity is up and interest rates are down to near record lows.  FHA has loosened their terms allowing buyers to afford even more.  Now is the time to act, but not in haste.  Read over these helpful tips to get you and your home ready for the market then call Team Chapis to set the plan and implement. Keep in mind looking with the "buyer's eye" may be humbling but will give you the upper hand in marketing and negotiations. By taking steps ahead of time you may able to make a great impression and cut their marketing time in half. 


First impressions make a big difference! Make sure the outside of your home looks just as clean as the inside. Start by removing any debris from around your home.  Any simple roof or window repairs should be done before buyers tour your home.  Don't be fooled into thinking you can just credit a couple thousand dollars to make the deal work.  Making repairs ahead of time will most likely cost less than what the home inspector suggests.  Clean your windows and touch up paint for a crisp clean look. Pay close attention to the entrance.  A clean uncluttered porch and a freshly painted door is quite inviting. Trim trees and maintain the lawn, walkways, drives, garden bed areas and fences to set the tone for an outstanding first impression. 


Neutralize! A buyer may walk into your neon orange kitchen and want to find the nearest exit. Make each room more appealing by keeping it neutral. Think tans, whites and grey's when considering freshening up the paint, it may seem boring to you, but the buyer will see less hassle and more house. Depersonalize each room.  You may have many great memories of all the wonderful life events that happened in your home, but keep in mind the new owner will create their own.  You want prospective buyers to picture the memories they will create. Too many pictures can make others feel like they are intruding in your personal space and this can make a potential buyer uncomfortable.  Again, deal with your maintenance items before opening up your home to the public.  Everything costs more when your negotiating an offer! If you are not in the position then price accordingly and be prepared to make price adjustments to compensate for that broken window and peeling paint.  Clean, clean, clean. Buyers favor the good smelling home that seems to have been taken care of, over the cluttered, dusty home that will require them to get scrubbing on their hands and knee's. Simple organizing and de-cluttering rooms can make the room far more appealing and feel more spacious.
Neutralize, Depersonalize, Organize!


You cannot get the first impression back.  Set your home apart from the competition by hiring a professional stager if this is too much for you to wrap around.  Selling your home is an emotional process and the more mechanical you can be will certainly payoff at the closing table.  Team Chapis can recommend trusted contractors, stagers and other services to help you save money and beat the competition.  We are always here to help.  Just reach out and we will be there for you.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Happy New Year!

Hope your holidays were filled with joy!  I had a wonderful mental rest and a few great days of welcome family time with Stacie and the kids.  My hope for you as well is that you are entering the New Year refreshed and ready for a fantastic 2015.  Team Chapis is growing at a great pace and we are excited to have our first two Home Buyer Seminars of the year coming up in just week or so.  It is hard to believe how fast 2014 came and went, but the plans are in place for the new year and it is time for implementation!

We are so excited with the New Year's arrival, but happy looking back on the previous with great memories of all the quality time I was able to spend with my clients.  Many of you joined us at the many events that Team Chapis held for our clients as well as business mixers. I was also so fortunate to be able to break bread with so many of you personally which I see my business to be all about, making long life relationships.  I look forward to enjoying even more time with all of you this year. 

2015 will be introducing great programs for future as well as former clients alike.  We are excited to be involved in fundraising events throughout the year, client events, parties, mixers and much, much more. Erin and I will be out and about to assist with all of your referrals, needs and other assistance you might need. As Team Chapis grows we will also be looking for more back office support so please keep your eyes open for us.  We are hosting eight Home Buyer Seminars between January and May and several more are in the works. If you or anyone you know are thinking about making a home purchase this year, these seminars are a perfect place to start the process.  Please feel free to contact either Erin or myself or check out our Facebook page for upcoming seminar dates at https://www.facebook.com/andychapisrealtor.

A year past with so much accomplishment and yet so much on the horizon.  Life is good regardless of the hardships we all endure daily.  I am thankful to be surrounded by such wonderful and caring people.  You have all helped make my business what it is today and my family and I cannot thank you enough from the bottom of our hearts.  Happy New Year and please never hesitate to call on us for anything, real estate related or not.  We are always here to assist!